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  • #2564

    Hello this is Jeff from Outlaw Boat Transport. We would like to introduce ourselves. We have 5 trucks from two Semi’s with marine lowboy trailers and one 5500 ram and two 3500 dually trucks. We are veteran owned. We carry 1 million liability ins and 1 million marine specific cargo ins. We run ELD logs and all trucks go thru every weigh station. The boat owner gets a gps signal so that he always knows where that his boat is. We have no problem doing oversize boats up to 15ft wide and 15ft tall. We can tow with your trailer or ours. You can ask for a quote from ourwebsite at or call us at 909-285-7486 To see what we do just look us up on Facebook or Instagram. we can also do any type of trailer including semi airbrake trailers.

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